Saturday, September 6, 2014


I am writing this for a friend who no longer lives in this world. She left a year ago in search of something new, something better. God I hope she’s found it now.

They say when you die your soul can float away, or hide in stones or in water or in leaves. And when your loved ones gather to mourn, you will be stardust by then. There is no such thing as guilt. There is no such thing as time. There are only doors and windows made of colors and light.

They say when you die you will be gathered up and scattered away, returned to Dust and nothing else remains. First you will be a memory, and then a concept, and then a number written down somewhere.

They say when you die you will become a name without a face, something vague like footsteps that cannot be retraced. But your little sister still plays in the park you loved when you were young, and you will be the wind in her hair while she swings, what a comforting thing to be. And the wind will say: “Please be kind and be grateful always, and know your mother and father love you so very much. So, so much.”

They say when you die there are infinite possibilities. What they never tell you is that after it’s all over, there is nothing left to do but sleep.

Rest easy. Sweet dreams.

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